Business Plan 2025-30

Welcome to our plan for 2025-30

Every five years, we produce a Business Plan that sets out all the things we want to deliver for our customers, communities and environment, such as reductions in flooding, and improvements in customer service.


Our Business Plan 2025-30 was sent to Ofwat to review on 2 October 2023. The plan includes our proposed levels of investment to maintain and enhance our services. Ofwat regulates this investment and agrees the prices, we can charge our customers.


The plan for 2025-30 is based on feedback that we received from our customers and stakeholders as well as what regulators want us to do and sets out our ambitions to:

  • Address the environmental challenges.
  • Improve resilience and services to customers.
  • Deliver fair investment.
  • Support customers and addresses affordability.

To read our customer summary click on the download below and to read our full report go to Business Plan 2025-30 (opens new window).

Update as of 25 January 2024

Since submission of our PR24 Business Plan to Ofwat in October 2023, we have made changes to parts of that plan. These have been in response to requests from Ofwat or other regulators and a small number of corrections in the detail of the submission, in some cases in response to clarifications issued after we published the plan.

Find out more about our update (opens new window).

Your water, your say

We held two Your water, your say sessions with customers and other stakeholders in 2023.


At the first session, in May 2023, we shared our developing business plan to gather customers' and stakeholders' views.


During the second session, in November 2023, we shared how customers and stakeholders had helped shape the plan.

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