Water leaks
Is it an emergency?
If the leak is affecting your water supply, coming from a manhole or appears to be dirty water, don't report it online.
Is the leak inside your home?
Please don't fill in this form. Leaks inside your home are your responsibility to fix. You'll need to contact a plumber.
No water
Have you checked if there are any problems in your area? You can check by clicking 'Check my area'.
Water pressure
If you think your water pressure isn't quite right, we want to help you.
Before you report it, our checklist may help you fix the problem or work out what and where the issue is.
Water quality
Don't forget to check my area in case there are any problems we already know about.
Network issues in your area can sometimes affect your water supply.
Sorry, but we don't provide the sewerage services in your area. Your provider is either Anglian Water or Thames Water.
For sewer flooding emergencies, contact Anglian Water on 03457 145 145 or Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.
If you're having issues with pollution, please contact the sewerage provider for the area. The sewerage provider is either Anglian Water or Thames Water. Contact Anglian Water on 03457 145 145 or Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.
Drains and covers
Report problems with drains and covers to the right people, to get it fixed quickly.
This helps protect the public and the environment.
We really appreciate your help to keep our network running smoothly.
Highway gully issues
The grid-like drains you see along the side of the road are highway gullies. If you notice a problem with one, you'll need to contact the council to report it.
Other drain cover issues
If you spot broken drain covers, you'll need to contact either Thames Water or Anglian Water.
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