Our charges for 2024/25 

Your bill will be based on either metered charges, if you have a water meter, or unmetered charges, if you don't have a meter.

Metered charges

If you have a water meter, you'll receive a bill every six months, based on your meter readings. Your usage is measured in cubic metres. One cubic metre is 1,000 litres of water.


These charges apply from 1 April 2024. Our 2023/24 charges are available to download below.


Fixed charge + Price per cubic metre
£52.26 + £1.7460

Sewerage (provided by Thames Water)

Fixed charge + Price per cubic metre
£83.78* + £1.1537


*This charge is reduced to £46.40 if you are not connected to surface water drainage.

Sewerage (provided by Anglian Water)

Fixed charge + Price per cubic metre
£103.00** + £2.1438


**This charge is reduced to £56 if you are not connected to surface water drainage.

Unmetered charges

If your home doesn't have a water meter, your charges are based on your property's rateable value, and you'll receive your bill once a year.  


These charges apply from 1 April 2024. Our 2023/24 charges are available to download below.


Fixed charge + Price per £ of RV
£88.96 + £1.2043

Sewerage (provided by Thames Water)

Fixed charge + Price per £ of RV
£82.93* +

Brentwood: £0.7595

Havering, Barking, Dagenham, Redbridge: £0.7097

*This charge is reduced to £45.55 if you are not connected to surface water drainage.

Sewerage (provided by Anglian Water)

Fixed charge + Price per £ of RV
£379.45** +


**This charge is reduced to £332.45 if you are not connected to surface water drainage.


A water meter could save you money because you pay for the water you use, not a price set by the Valuations Office years ago. Try our water usage calculator to find out if you can save money on a meter.

Not connected to surface water drainage?

If you think that the rainwater from your property does not drain to the public sewer, you may be able to get a surface water drainage allowance.


Call us on 0345 782 0111. Please note, we can't backdate claims on the surface water drainage allowance.

Frequently asked questions

Metered means you have a water meter and unmetered means you don't have a water meter.


Metered means pay for the water you use. It also means you have more control over your bill. Using less water means you pay less.


Unmetered means your bill is calculated using rateable valueWe don't set the rateable value of your home, so we can't change this for you.


Find out more about rateable value in the next question.

Rateable values are used to work out how much to charge properties that do not have water meters.


They were decided by the valuation office and can be different for every home. Rateable values were frozen in 1990, when council tax was introduced, and they have stayed the same since. 

How do we use rateable value to bill our customers?

We bill customers who don’t have a water meter by multiplying the rateable value by the charges for the water and sewerage services we provide to your home.

Thinking about getting a water meter?

Rateable values are not set to the actual amount of water you use. That’s why a lot of our customers save money by having a water meter fitted.


Try our water usage calculator to see if you can save money on a meter. You can also apply online for a water meter

If we cannot fit a water meter at your home, we would look to apply an Assessed Measured Charge (AMC).

The assessed charges are a fixed annual charge, based on assumed volumes of water usage.


There are two assessed charges available:

1. Single occupier.
2. Standard.

We are working hard to make sure you can enjoy great tasting tap water and always have complete trust and confidence in how we spend that money as shown.


Based on the average household bill in 2024/25, water charges will cost 77p per day.


wheel showing where money goes

If you own an empty property, you might ask yourself, do I still pay the water charges?


You'll still need to pay water and sewerage charges for the empty property if:

  • your property is furnished, and
  • the water is connected, and used for any purpose, like renovation.

But, if you agree that we can turn your water supply off, we won't charge you. 
If you'd like to turn the water supply off, just get in touch. We're happy to help.

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