Make payments, check your balance, track your usage and more
Water fittings in businesses often experience more frequent use than in domestic dwellings, which means that payback times following investment can be excellent.
Find out more
For larger water users there may be more opportunities to make water savings including: • Industry sector benchmarking • Data logging • Grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting • Waste and effluent minimisation • Water balance audits. Our Total Water Solutions team provide commercial solutions to help you save water and money. You could also contact your retailer, or other third-party providers of water efficiency advice, to discuss what services they offer.
Please find below some links to external organisations that have information that you may find useful to save water. You may also wish to contact your water retailer to see if they have any schemes or initiatives that may be of use to your company.
Waterwise is an independent, not-for-profit UK NGO focused on reducing water consumption in the UK.
Working with businesses, governments, and communities to deliver solutions to improve resource efficiency.
The world’s leading sustainability assessment method for planning projects, infrastructure and buildings.
Providing advice and support to promote the transition to a smart, decarbonised energy system.
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