Environmental information
We all have an interest in the environment, and the impact we have on it.

In everything we do, we aim to protect and improve the environment for the benefit of all. We are fully committed to being as ethical, open, and honest as we can with you and so we publish a wide range of information. If you are interested in the following areas, please click on the links below to find out more.


About us Biodiversity Water quality
Bathing waters Environment Water resources


You also have the right to ask us for information about our activities that have an effect on the environment. So, if your query isn’t answered on these pages, please contact the Information Access Team using our online form for a prompt response.

Environmental Information Regulations 2004

The Regulations provide for disclosure of, and access to, environmental information held by public authorities. In February 2015 it was held that the Regulations apply to privatised water companies. If you’d like to learn more about the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 you can find more information on the ICO’s website:


What are the Environmental Information Regulations?


How to access environmental information from a public body


The Regulations only apply to environmental information. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives access to most other types of information held by public authorities. Northumbrian Water is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

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