If you don't have enough money coming in to cover your most important bills, we may be able to reduce your water bill.
We understand that the rise in the cost of living can make it difficult to afford all of your household bills. The first step is to let us know how much money you have coming in and how much you have to pay out.
If you don't have debts with other companies but still can’t make your budget stretch to cover your essential household bills, please contact us. We may be able to offer a discount* of up to 50%.
We'll chat through your household finances to find the best way to reduce your payments to an affordable level and make sure you're on the best tariff. Please call us on 0800 121 4608.
If you have debts with other companies, we recommend seeking free advice from a debt advice organisation, such as StepChange Debt Charity.
They can help you complete a budget of your household income and expenses. If this shows that you have more going out than you have coming in each month, email a copy to supportplus@nwl.co.uk. You could get a discount* of up to 50% off your current water charges and help with your debt with us.
Visit www.stepchange.org (opens new window) or call them on
0800 138 1111.
There are other free debt companies you can go to for debt advice, such as Citizen's Advice, the Money Advice Service.
Household income can either be earned through working, claiming benefits, self-employment, or a combination of both.
If you don’t have a source of income through employment or benefits (i.e. if you have savings in excess of £16,000 as per Gov.uk eligibility criteria (Universal Credit: Eligibility - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) - opens new window you wouldn’t qualify for our scheme.
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